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Enlight Benefits

Online Procedural Manual for Benefits

Administering housing benefits and dealing with overpayments and suspected cases of fraud is complex and labour intensive for most Authorities but becomes even more challenging when trying to meet weekly targets and keep on top of the latest legislation governing these areas.

With the Enlight Benefits online procedural manual and electronic guide, life can be made easier for your operational staff. How? The Enlight Benefits manual is created around your unique departmental requirements, bringing together all the strands of information your Benefits Assessors, Fraud Investigators and Overpayment Officers need and use on a daily basis, in one easy to access portal.

The starting point of each manual is based on a core template of information, including all regulations, circulars and policy guidelines issued by the DWP and HMRC as well as standard letters, forms and procedures you use at a local level. Typical information stored and accessed by staff would include benefits forms such as change in circumstances or address, user guides and release notes for the technology used to help process claims, a list of contacts used daily by teams and much more.

RELATED BLOG ARTICLE: – Five ways to improve your Benefits Team productivity >

Key Benefits

  • Instantly provide staff with all the benefits related information they need
  • Reduce errors made due to inaccurate data or staff forgetting to ask for key pieces of information when processing claims
  • Manuals are automatically updated with the latest legislation, circulars and guidelines issued by the DWP reducing reliance on your own resource
  • Get new benefits staff up and running quickly with easy access to key information
  • Best practice benefits handling – use Enlight to publish the outcomes of your quality assurance programmes and any resulting changes to benefits procedure or policies
  • Give Housing Benefits staff more confidence in the accuracy of the data you hold and reduce the amount of internal requests for information
  • Promote a culture of self-learning by encouraging staff to seek answers from Enlight, not just colleagues

Key Features

  • New data and information is easily uploaded on to Enlight and secure access can be given to appointed staff
  • Manuals are hosted in a secure web area and the portal can be branded to suit your requirements
  • Navigation is quick and easy using familiar headings, content, indexes, glossaries, drill down and hyperlink functionality and with an intuitive search functionality
  • In collaboration with Destin you can design the layout of your benefits manual so that it is intuitive and unique to your teams requirements
  • Enlight is available and can be customised in the following areas; Benefits, Council Tax, NNDR

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The online manual brings together a raft of information and automated processes

View Case Study >


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