Enlight NNDR
Online Procedural Manual for NNDR
Properly maintaining your NNDR (national non domestic rate) accounts in relation to liability, exemption, discounts, payment methods and valuations is vital in helping build Council revenues. As with most things it comes with its own set of complexities, particularly when adding new properties, inspecting properties, dealing with billing procedures and taking recovery and enforcement action.
With the Enlight NNDR online procedural manual and electronic guideline, much of that complexity can be taken away by hosting all the information your Collection and Recovery Officers, Customer Support Assistants and Property Inspectors need and use on a daily basis, in one place. The manual can be tailored to their unique requirements providing data related to local valuations, guidelines on inspecting properties, handling empty properties, identifying where NNDR relief is valid, policies and protocols for handling recovery and much more.
Ultimately it’s your responsibility to keep on top of the latest legislation governing this area whilst administering and recovering business rates through phone calls, face-to-face contact, letters and liaison with debt recovery agencies where required. The Enlight NNDR procedural manual helps make all the tasks associated with these activities easier and quicker, providing staff with the latest regulatory and policy guidelines as well as standard letters, forms and procedures which support the effective collection of business rates.
Key Benefits
- Provide Business Rates staff with the latest guidelines and documentation in a simple intuitive portal
- Reduce unnecessary time spent searching for documentation
- Manuals are automatically updated with the latest Business Rates legislation by Destin, reducing the strain on your own resource
- Reduce expense and training costs associated with knowledge transfer and mentoring new staff
- Assists with internal audits and compliance – provides visibility to other departments on procedures and protocols for Business Rates collection for quality control
- Give staff more confidence in the actions they are taking during recovery and that they are following the exact guidelines as documented
- Promote a culture of self-learning by encouraging staff to add additional content on to the manual such as frequently asked questions etc.
Key Features
- New data and information is easily uploaded on to Enlight and secure access can be given to appointed staff
- Manuals are hosted in a secure web area and the portal can be branded to suit your requirements
- Navigation is quick and easy using familiar headings, content, indexes, glossaries, drill down and hyperlink functionality and with an intuitive search functionality
- In collaboration with Destin you can design the layout of your manual so that it is intuitive and unique to your teams requirements
- Enlight is available and can be customised in the following areas; Benefits, Council Tax, NNDR
Contact Us

Destin were very thorough in the development of the manual and the quality and contents of the manual exceeds our expectations
Watch a short video about Enlight