NEXUS Professional

End-to-End RV Finder Service

Over the last 7 years, our partners Wilks Head & Eve (WHE) have built up a number of different databases and techniques designed to increase yield for Local Authorities.

NEXUS Professional is the latest addition, incorporating cutting edge technology to dig deeper and provide more detailed information than ever before. When applied by the WHE team of professional Valuers, it results in the most comprehensive RV finder service available in the market.

Developed by Destin Solutions for exclusive use by Wilks Head & Eve (WHE), NEXUS Professional enhances the existing WHE Revenues Assurance Rates Finder service enabling them to automate the identification of missing commercial and domestic properties.

Providing one of the most comprehensive datasets available on the market today and minimising the chances of properties being missed from the Rating List, NEXUS Professional offers;

  • The ability to identify missing commercial properties more quickly and easily in any given area
  • The capacity to identify rebuilt properties previously deleted or demolished, which are not in the list
  • A full end-to-end service, which also includes identification of missing domestic properties
  • Access to the best consolidated group of property, rating and land datasets in the market today combining both WHE and Destin Solutions data
  • Better application of WHE professional valuation skillsets ensuring equal time and resource is applied to the identification of new properties as it is to the analysis of under-valued properties
  • A reduction in the instances of false positive matches, reducing time, effort and money wasted on properties that will not maximise yield
  • A viable alternative to similar solutions in the market at an extremely competitive rate

The Technology in action
NEXUS Professional is accessible from anywhere using a secure web portal. The solution incorporates unique inbuilt mapping software using satellite images that when drilled down on or searched, reveal properties which exist on the map but for which no records exist on either the Rating or Council Tax Banding List.

Using a traffic light system, properties will be red flagged where no record exists. Applying sophisticated valuation analysis when reviewing these cases, WHE ratings professionals will compile results and details around the further investigations and outcome of these cases which will be shared with clients.

Full transparency on all cases being worked will be provided alongside an end-to-end service which will encompass completing all the necessary paperwork and providing supporting evidence in the form of a fully compliant e-BAR report. This will incorporate fully evidenced inspections, with detailed information including plans, maps or photographs, ensuring no additional work or resource is required by a Local Authority in getting a property added to the Local Rating List.

Added Value
NEXUS professional closes the gap between what technology can deliver and what Valuers with decades of experience can bring to the table. The combination of technology and valuation expertise will assist WHE professionals in improving the identification of more subtle and complex instances of underbilling in the area of business rates.

With NEXUS Professional being used daily by the WHE Valuations team on behalf of Local Authority clients they can ensure it is continually developed, incorporating new and improved datasets to enhance the output of matches and data it uncovers.

With daily data uploads, clients will also benefit from quicker identification of areas such as new property and commercial developments ensuring properties are brought into taxation much quicker than ever before.

Any Wilks Head & Eve Local Authority client contracting to use their Rates Finder Service will now benefit from their access to NEXUS Professional with no additional costs or charges for the output of this exciting new technology.

It is the first solution of its kind that identifies both unlisted business rates properties and unbanded council tax properties all from within one system and with regular data refreshes, WHE can ensure their Local Authority clients have a real opportunity to maximise income and revenue on an ongoing basis using NEXUS Professional.

Contact Wilks Head & Eve directly for more details on NEXUS Professional.

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