Vision for Debt Recovery
Debt Recovery Performance Management Tool
If your remit covers billing, recovery or corporate debt in your Local Authority you’re ability to drive high collection rates whilst optimising recovery methods in a way that reduces resource and minimises disputes will determine your success in the role.
The good news is that you’re not on your own. Today’s Councils leading the charge on this are embracing technology using Destin’s powerful reporting and analytics tool ‘VISION’ to help with debt recovery. VISION pulls data through from multiple systems including Council Tax, Housing Benefits, Business Rates, Sundry Debt and more to provide you with a powerful, singular view of debt across your authority.
Using VISION you can better meet targets and forecasts by pinpointing at an individual and business level who owes most, helping you prioritise your recovery action and assign staff workload. Using any number of different search parameters, typical reports you can run include accounts where a different approach to recovery can lead to an earlier collection of outstanding debt.
VISION also enables you to profile debt by age of debtor, enabling you to vary your collection approach dependent on the demographics of the debtor, helping lead to a more successful and less stressful recovery approach for all parties.
Key Benefits
- Understand at any point in time the current status of your recovery and collections
- Get a handle on the number of cases requiring review and move them onto a stage where they can become part of an automated process again
- Identify more quickly where debt needs to be written off and redirect the efforts of your recoveries team more effectively
- Take targeted action against specific groups of people to expedite collections
- Take a more proactive approach in informing debtors how much they owe and to which department
- Set your own search parameters to drill down into the data you need
- Understand whether your existing collection and recovery processes are working
- Create a new collection and recovery strategy that addresses any weaknesses
- Set realistic recovery targets based on previous year and year to date data
Key Features
- Easy to use reporting and analytics tools requiring minimal training
- Intuitive digital dashboards which easily consolidates data from multiple different systems
- Reports can be easily and quickly downloaded and shared using Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Word and Mailmerge or as a CSV file
- Drill right down to the specific areas/ postcodes / stages / debtors / records
- Can extract data from Ash, Civica, Capita, Northgate, Orchard and others
- Annual subscription including ongoing support and maintenance
- Suite of report templates available as well as the ability to customise to your unique requirements
Contact Us
VISION is a very good tool for data provision, data analysis and data matching.
Watch a short video about Vision